Devlin Craig Brown was born February 24, 2010 at 10:35 am. He weighed 5 pounds 14 ounces and was about 18 inches long. Devlin was originally due March 21st and Emily had a c-section scheduled for March 15th because he was breech. Of course, Devlin did not cooperate and he was delivered three and a half weeks early. I think that is what first set him off. Ever since, he has been crying a lot and throwing up on me. I am really not sure how to make him happy. The only instructions that I have and can follow are feed, clean, repeat. Seems easy enough. He has the worst diaper rash our pediatrician has ever seen, which just makes him angrier. He constantly poops on Emily and acts surly around guests. As his one bib says, Devlin (aka Peanut) is “The Best Baby Ever!"
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He stole my name